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#6021精選凍頂烏龍茶 Choice Dong Ding Oolong Tea(淨源) 75g, 20/cs

Regular price $30.49 USD
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#煙燻香氣  #蜂蜜焦糖甜感  #甜桃荔枝滋味
有機期&有機轉型期 特別說明
如有指定期別的特殊需求,下單前請先來電 02-2665-7110,將由專人為您服務。
沖泡水溫 :開水煮滾 90°C以上。
沖泡時間 :第 1/2/3/4 泡時間依序為 60/40/50/50 秒,依個人口味濃淡可自行調整。

Tea Introduction
#Honey Caramel Sweetness #Sweet Peach Lychee Taste
With a smoky aroma, sweet peach, lychee, ripe peach and other fruit flavors, honey and caramel sweetness. The palate is smooth, mellow and lingering.
Jingyuan's frozen top oolong is made from the traditional frozen top technique, and is made from green tea of ​​Qingxin oolong variety. In baking, the advantage of using soft fire and slow stew is to choose the aroma of roasting and give up the dryness of roasting.

Organic Period & Organic Transition Period Special Instructions

➊What is the difference between the organic period and the organic transition period?

To put it simply, every field applying to be converted to organic, after passing the on-site inspection by the certification agency, must go through a three-year organic transition period before obtaining formal organic certification. sale.

Some people may worry, are products in the transition period less secure than products in the organic period?

The answer is: the security level of crops in the organic transition period is equivalent to that of organic crops!

According to organic laws and regulations, pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers are also not allowed during the transformation period. The inspection standards are also the same as those of organic agricultural products. Only pesticides and toxic substances found in the residue inspection can be sold on the shelves.

It is suggested that everyone can support more products in the organic transition period, and encourage the farmers to accompany them through the organic exploration and adaptation period, so as to provide consumers with organic agricultural products with better quality and stable yield in the future!

➋What period is the tea I ordered?

There are "organic period" and "organic transformation period" in Jingyuan Tea's tea garden. Each batch of tea leaves has different status according to the different tea green raw material fields.

For example: You order "Organic (Transition Period) Selected Fragrance Oolong Tea" on the official website of Jingyuan Tea. Mainly, you may receive a selection of fragrant oolong tea in the "organic period" or "organic transition period" when it actually arrives.